Yana Richens card

Dr Yana Richens

Director of Midwifery
Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Yana Richens is Director of Midwifery Services at Liverpool womens hospital which is the largest single site maternity unit in the UK. Yana is highly motivated and compassionate registered midwife and nurse with a wide range of experience in clinical, research and management roles at a national and international level.

Yana has a proven record of visible clinical leadership and innovative service improvement ensuring the woman and the family are firmly at the centre of care. Yana is committed to the provision of high-quality person-centred health care for all; her main research of her PhD was fear of birth.

She is a member of the editorial board of the African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, and Nursing Standard. In 2014 she was recognised by the Health Service Journal in the top 100 Black Asian and Minority Ethnic inspirational nurses and midwives. In 2006 Yana was shortlisted to the final three inspiration women of the year award by Good Housekeeping Magazine. She received an OBE for services to nursing and Midwifery 2011 and was deputy to head to the Chief Midwifery Officer for 3 years as a job share whilst working clinically at UCLH.